Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools

Summer Term

We took part in a whole school STEM challenge: to create a Marble Run! Our challenge was to make a marble run, with several levels that would transport a marble for a certain number of seconds. It was challenging, but we created brilliant marble runs!

During Computing, we created vector drawings (computer drawings made only from shapes and lines).

As part of our Geography Mountains topic, we created mountain ranges from paper. We tried to include as many features as we could. Some of us used 10 different mountain range features!

We had the great opportunity to take part in a Poetry Day, meeting a poet and creating our own group poetry.

Whilst exploring properties and changes to materials, we explored melting and dissolving.

To start our new topic of angles, we looked first at turns (by creating a map of a town and following a route).

During Computing, we explore flat-file and computer databases.

In RE, we recapped the Stations of the Cross, and showed each station with freeze frames.

When exploring rivers, we sorted the river features that you would expected to see in each course. We then made our own rivers out of sand, that used the features. We kept adding water to the river to explore erosion and deposition.

In RE, we used props to help us to understand stories and we also looked at special, religious objects.

We recapped matching up fractions, decimals and percentages, before adding, subtracting, ordering and comparing decimals.

In Science, we learnt about reproduction in plants and animals. This knowledge helped us when taking cuttings of rosemary, which grew well after we planted them in compost!

We explored germination and planted cress seeds.

We observed the changes to our 'Water Cycle in a Bag' experiment. The experiment worked as we could see the main stages of the water cycle!

We researched the life cycles and metamorphosis of mammals, amphibians and insects. We illustrated the life cycle of a mammal of our choice.

We created wonderful pieces of mountain homework!

Below you can see our fantastic pieces of river poetry. We thought carefully about the journey of a raindrop or melted ice from the peak of a mountain, and how it would journey down stream until it reached the salty sea.
