Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools

Beech - Year 4

Welcome to Beech Class



In Beech Class you will find....




        Mrs Cooper (Wed - Fri)              Mrs Stevenson (Mon - Tue )       

        Miss Dando Mon/Wed/Thurs/Fri     



Welcome back! We hope you have had a wonderful, restful Summer break; we can't wait to welcome you back to school ready for the start of year 4 and the Autumn term :)  


Please click on the Autumn term 1 link below to view our Quest web to see what we are getting up to this half term!


PE sessions will take place on a Wednesday and Friday. You can wear your PE kit to school, instead of getting changed.  Outdoor Learning will take place on a Thursday as part of our Science work.


If you have any questions then please feel free to contact us on our class email beech@eastsomersetfederation.co.uk or through the school office.

Thank you,

Mrs Cooper and Mrs Stevenson





2021 - 2022


Knowledge Organiser - Spring Term - 1st Half

We had a wonderful school trip to Hauser and Wirth today. The children were amazing and enjoyed learning about the work of Thomas J Price and Eduardo Chillida. We looked at the exhibits and talked about how each artist created their work, then we had a go at sketching our own versions. We also designed and created our own sculptures that were inspired by Chillida's work. A fantastic day had by all. Thank you Hauser and Wirth :)

Our Egg-Speriment! We conducted an experiment to see what the effects of different liquids would be on our 'teeth'. Egg Shell has very similar properties to the enamel on our teeth, so we placed a hard boiled egg in 6 liquids (water, milk, orange juice, vinegar, Coca Cola and energy drink) and left it for a week to see what happened. It was gross!! Please see the results below!

Making poo!! In Science we have been learning about the functions of the digestive system. We started with adding Weetabix, Cream Crackers and sweetcorn in to a bag (stomach) and then we put in some water (saliva), some orange juice (stomach acid) and we squashed and squeezed it, to replicate the work the muscles do. Once is was mushed up, we poured the mixture in the tights and moved it along them, showing peristalsis. As the mixture moved along, the liquids came out through the tights, which shows what happens when nutrients are absorbed through the walls of the small and large intestine. Once most of the liquid had been removed, the mixture got to the end of its journey and came out of the end of the tights as poo. We had a lot of fun with this experiment, even if it was a little gross!

Pointilism in progress! We have been looking at the artwork of French pointilist painter Georges Seurat. He created beautiful landscape artwork using dots of paint. He layered the paints to create mixes of colour rather than mixing his paints in a palette. We have started to draw our own landscape using the school grounds as inspiration, next we will add colour!

In Maths, we have been busy measuring and learning about different units of measurement. We carried out some investigations in order to prove or disprove some statements about parts of our body. What do you think? The length of your nose is equivalent to length of your index finger. Or... Your feet are the same length as your handspan. True or False?

In English, we are looking at Instructions and Explanations. Today we turned in to feature detectives, to identify the features of instructions! We learnt about the importance of imperative verbs and how good it is to be bossy when writing instructions.

In Art, we have taken one of the French paintings that we looked at in Quest and used sketching pencils and pastels to draw our own. We were looking at adding colour, texture and detail...keep an eye out for our finished masterpieces!

This week in our Quest topic of Europe, we have focused in on France. We have been looking at French Art of landscapes from around the Country. We looked at different painting and sorted them in to 4 different climatic regions - Continental, Mediterranean, Alpine and Atlantic.

01.10.21 - In English, we have been learning about the features of persuasive writing. We took part in a debate about whether James should get to stay in New York. We had some very convincing arguments!

20.09.21 - We looked at the features of a playscript and put our acting skills to the test with a play!

08.09.21 - We have been Exploring Europe in Quest. Today we put a map of Europe together like a jigsaw! It was exciting to see where all the countries were and there were some we had never heard of before!
