Welcome to Remote Learning
If a year group is closed due to a confirmed case, or a local/national coronavirus lockdown, many families will be caring for and educating their children at home.
As a whole school, we will use Google Classroom for assisting contact between your child and their class teacher and enabling teachers to share the activities for home learning.
All teachers have been asked to ensure pupils in each of their classes have appropriate work set. This work will be monitored and feedback will be meaningful and given at the appropriate time. Teachers will also be monitoring pupil engagement reporting non-engagement on a regular basis.
Parents and Carers should understand that, while teachers will do what they can to maintain the system, it will not be possible to do so during evenings or weekends. Teachers are required to look at the system only between 8.30am and 4.00pm.
Urgent messages should be sent via the School Office email: office@uptonnoble.somerset.sch.uk or by calling the school office on 01749 850375.
Keeping regular learning going during the period that schools are closed or pupils are isolated is of great importance to reduce the impact on children’s education; however we understand that everyone’s circumstances at home will be different. Some families have one child to support while others have several. Some families have one device to share while others may have more – and some things may work differently on different devices. Some parents will have plenty of time to help their children learn, while others will be working from home and may have much less time and some children will be able to work more independently than others or need greater challenge. Due to this we are providing a flexible approach to remote learning. We will offer a variety of weekly learning activities across the curriculum so that pupils can work their way through as much as they are able, at a time that suits them.