Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools

Term 2

Happy Christmas


Thank you to everyone who provided food for our Christmas party. It was delicious!!

A special visitor came to our Christmas party. We loved receiving gifts from him and asking him about his elves and reindeer.  

We loved wearing our Christmas jumpers to school today.....

And we made Christingles in RE.

We all enjoyed performing our Christmas play, 'The Big Little Nativity'. We hope you enjoyed it too.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... we had a costume check in Willow today ready for our performances next week.

We are innovating the story of 'The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark'. We have elephants that are afraid of mud, ducks and turtles that are afraid of water and puppies that are afraid of going outside.

Our Tudor clay house tiles are finally finished. We think they look great!

Subtraction of two two-digit numbers was the focus in Maths today.

Our focus in ICT is digital photography. Here we are playing photography bingo!

In handwriting we are focusing on our cursive letter formation.

In Maths we have used the dienes to help us to add two two-digit numbers.
