Maths Gallery
Year 5 ordered numbers in a paper chain all the way up to a million and represented numbers in lots of different ways.

Dividing with decimal numbers in year 6
Adding and subtracting mixed numbers in year 6
Following instructions in Year 2 to turn a shape.
Great puzzle solving in year 5 - can you make it through the maze, adding up the numbers to make exactly 100?

Using mini figures in Willow to help us give directions through our treasure map.
Marvellous Maths Mistakes found by Maple

Amazing individual work on fractions by Beech Class
Beech Class were problem solving today, and trying to work out the tricky sequence. Can you solve it?

Year 5 have been looking at different ways to represent and partition numbers up to one million.

In maths club, year 4 and 5 used sweets to think about fractions!

Willow Class have had fun comparing the mass of different objects.

Money, money, money!
Finding perimeters with Beech Class

Willow-investigating 2D shape.
Elm - Place Value

Ash Class - Perimeter

Ash Class - Exploring Fractions

Willow - We used peg boards to help us to investigate arrays.
Willow - we used the Dienes to help us with our column subtraction.

We have been playing games to learn about tenths and hundredths, and had to reason about where to place each digit to try and make a bigger number than our partners.

Using addition and subtraction to solve problems in year 5
Times tables in the sun

Counting, matching and ordering in Early Years.