Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools

Term 3

Our focus in English has been on Poetry. We looked at different types of Winter poems and then wrote our own poems.

Here we are with our finished artwork. We are going to recreate Kandinsky's famous piece, Colour Studies: Squares with Concentric Circles 1913 on our classroom wall.

Our Christian value for this term is resilience. We tested our resilience in outdoor learning. We had to work as a team to cross the river (school field) using two hoops and one spot marker. If we stepped outside the hoop or off the marker, we were in the water and had to start again.

We have started our artwork inspired by Wassily Kandinsky's famous painting, Colour Studies: Squares with Concentric Circles 1913. We're using pastels to make our circles. 
