Art Gallery
Year 6 photography based on the work of Edward Weston
Year 2 artwork inspired by Wassily Kandinsky.
Ocean collages by Year 2
Year 2 are creating line drawings of different parts of the Bayeux Tapestry.
Year 6 made photomontages using images from newspapers and magazines
Year 5 created low-relief clay tiles of a mountain landscape. They then painted the titles with colours linked to an artist.

In Sycamore we studied architecture. We looked at different architects, sketched buildings and recreated a small section of our sketch as a monoprint.
In Maple we looked at the work of Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes and are creating our own piece in a similar style.
In Beech, we looked at the the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh, in particular Starry Night over the Rhone. We looked at the style, brushstrokes and colours of his work and used acrylic paints to recreate our own.
Year 6 made collages after looking at the work of illustrator James Mayhew and listening to The Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens.
Using sketching pencils in Year 2 to complete self-portraits.
Working with chalk pastels to create forest backgrounds for our gingerbread cottages in year 5

Painting Her Majesty in Acorn Class.

Fifteen children were lucky to attend a workshop at Hauser & Wirth with the internationally renowned Swiss artist and sculptor, Not Vital, where they made sculptures and using cheese and bread.

Some lovely space-inspired art underway in Sycamore. We experimented with blending the chalks to get the right effect for our galaxies and based our final pieces on the work of Peter Thorpe

Willow Class have studied the artist Wassily Kandinsky. We have made our own version of one of his famous paintings, Squares with Concentric Circles. We had to mix the primary colours to make secondary colours for our paintings.
Etchings and scratchingsmin Beech class to produce images of the Northern Lights

Ancient Greek vase designs in year 5

After looking at Vincent Van Gogh's painting of his bedroom, year 5 made pictures of their own bedrooms, trying to create perspective.

Willow Class used different media to create hot air balloons.

Year 5 designed and made ancient Egyptian death masks
Year 1 created pictures of fish using charcoal and chalk.
Year 5 recreated Road across the Wolds by David Hockney, looking at his use of colour and texture.
In Willow class we mixed primary colours to make secondary colours.

Using pastels to create fish pictures using real fish as a stimulus.

Willow Class used tissue paper in seasonal colours to make their calendars.

Willow Class made bonfires out of Autumn leaves.

Ancient Greek pots in year 5
Self portraits on kitchen tiles by Acorn class.

Starting our WW2 gas masks today

Eye-catching tissue paper designs of the Blitz made by Beech Class
Self portraits in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo by Acorn Class.