Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools

Acorn - Reception

  Summer 2024 

What an awesome day with the alpacas, donkeys, ponies, goats, sheep, rabbits and guinea pigs!

No words needed...

We have been washing clothes and cleaning chimneys!

Pop-up dolls, thaumatropes, balls in cups and spinning tops...we have been super busy making our Victorian toys.

We've had a great start to history week...

We have been recreating some Van Gogh masterpieces...

We are embracing our London topic!

We had a visit from some GORGEOUS lambs (thanks Naomi and Seth). What a fabulous afternoon...

We have been painting King Charles...

We had a wonderful walk around the village identifying different types of houses. We were lucky enough to spot some animals too!

 Spring 2024 

Super Science Week fun!

Look at some of our fabulous World Book Day creations!

We had a visit from a royal python, hissing cockroaches, pancake tortoises and a tarantula. We even got to look at porcupine quills and an ostrich egg. Thanks Longleat!

We have been using pastels to create a symmetrical lion.

Look at our weaving and sewing...

We welcomed a dentist to class so that we could learn more about keeping our teeth healthy.

We have been exploring how fish breathe underwater.

We have been using pastels to draw sardines, thinking about size, colour and texture.

Whale painting!

We have been learning about how whales keep warm and carried out our own little experiment.

Autumn 2023

A very warm welcome to Acorn Class and to Upton Noble Primary School. Our theme for this term is: 'Once Upon a  Time' and the 'Topic Web' below should give you an idea of what is is planned, although this can change depending on the children and their interests. Please visit this page regularly to keep up to date with our learning. Many thanks.



Merry Christmas everyone!

Weren't we the most incredible dancing shepherds and sheep! I can't stop smiling...

We had an awesome visit to the Somerset Rural Life Museum where we made butter, flailed corn and explored the museum.

Today we were visited by a gorgeous calf. We got to ask lots of questions and stroke her. Thanks to Naomi, Whim and Zara!

We have been learning about farming in the past and milked our very own class cow!

We made puppets and acted out the story of The Gingerbread Man in groups.

Autumn fun!

We sang our hearts out in church today and told our story with pride.

We have been mixing, kneading and proving our dough and can't wait to tuck into our delicious bread rolls for snack!

Forest School fun with Autumn leaves.

Look at our awesome family portraits...

Enormous thanks to Margaret and Matilda, the very brave hens!

We have made puppets and have acted out our Rose's Walk story in groups.

We have been painting self portraits. Can you work out who is who?

We have been making new friends...

Our very first day...
