Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools

Religious Education Gallery

Reverend Gill led workshops to the whole school at St Mary's Church in Upton Noble based on some art work depicting the Stations of Resurrection.

Sycamore created God's eyes. The centre symbolised the power of seeing and understanding things we normally cannot see.

We found out about the Jewish festival of Sukkot, and had a go at building a sukkah outside.

Year 6 made tableaux to tell the Easter story and thought about how the people in the story felt and how Christians feel about the story today.

Year 2 worked in groups to make puppets to retell the story of 'The Prodigal Son'.

Year 3 role played the story of the Good Samartian.

Retelling the Genesis creation story in pictures

Reverend Helen came to talk to year 6 about Jesus being the Messiah and how she puts her beliefs into practice at Christmas time

Our Remembrance Service at the village war memorial on Armistice Day

Sycamore Class thought about what their key beliefs are

Within Year 4, we have been discussing how important water is in Christian beliefs, especially in terms of Baptism. We wrote words that describe water outside and then with water, cleansed the playground, imitating the use of water with baptising.
