Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools

Spring 1

Welcome to the Spring Term in Elm Class. 


We have moved continents and are studying Antarctica this term. We are continuing to learn all of the continent names, through songs and chanting, and we are using our giant world map to locate them. We are learning about the significance of the equator and how this can help us to find hot and cold countries in the world. 

We have been studying weather and we have already completed a weekly weather chart, using the symbols we have learnt to draw the correct weather in for each day. The children have been learning to read the thermometer daily, and have learnt that the temperature changes throughout the day. We have created a class pictogram showing the children's favourite weathers. We will look at compass points and we shall look around the school at the school weather vane. We will also look at maps and atlases and spot the four compass points, with a focus on North and South.

We are learning the names of body parts, such as stomach, elbow, cheeks, chest, neck through songs and action games in PE. We will continue learning about the five senses and which sense is associated with which body part. We shall carry out a senses scientific experiment. 

For PE, we are creating a Lion King dance, which is coming along very nicely so far. The children will add their own ideas to a dance, showing their imagination and creativity and we will record their performance to evaluate.

In music, the children are appraising different styles of music, including Blues, baroque, Funk and they will be finding a pulse and beat.

For PSHE, the children are thinking about others by suggesting ways to be kind and thinking about how they can help others. This week we have been talking about playground games which are gentle and fun!

For art, the children will look at the work of American artist, Diedrick Brackens and they will learn to weave paper, card and fabric. Please can you provide 2 pieces of fabric the same size for their final weaving piece of artwork? Thank you.


Spring 1
