Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools



To enhance Sycamore's learning, they will be given weekly homework. Their homework will be set every Monday and due in the following Monday, except for Spellings - these will be due on a Friday as they will be tested on a Friday. Please read the information below regarding homework:

Spellings (due Friday)

  • Sycamore will be given 10-15 spellings to practise a week. 
  • Each week's spellings will focus on a different phoneme (sound) e.g. "count", "loudly" and "allowed" all share the ow phoneme. The way that this sound is written is called a grapheme (e.g 'ow' and 'ou').
  • Please practise spellings via Spelling Shed (and score spelling points) or by using a method that suits you (see the 35 spelling practice methods attached below for more ideas).
  • Every year, pupils are expected to learn common exception words (tricky spellings that don't fit a spelling pattern). These spelling words will be covered in Sycamore's weekly homework, however, please continue to practise the 'Year 5 Common Exception Words' (CEW) at home. As well as year 5 CEW, year 3 and 4 CEW are also attached, in case your child needs to practise these too. 
  • Login for Spelling Shed:
  • Username: school email         Password: Sycamore

Times Tables Rock Stars 

  • By the end of year 4, in line with the national Multiplications Tables Check, children are expected to be able to recall times table facts up to 12 x 12 within 6 seconds. 
  • To be able to automatically recall times tables, please play TT Rockstars daily (at least 1 game). You will also score points!
  • If you would prefer to practise on paper, please use the times table chart (attached below) to help you. There is also a range of times tables activities in the 'Learning Help for Home' section of Google Classroom.

General Homework (Google Classroom)

  • Each week, you will receive a piece of general homework linked to the core curriculum (English, Science or Maths) or Quest (Science, Geography, History) or other subjects. 
  • This can be found on Google Classroom. If you are unsure about how to use Google Classroom, please check the illustrated step-by-step instructions below. 


  • Please continue to read with your child or encourage independent reading, and show this in their reading records.
  • We use the programme Accelerated Reader. If your child reads a books on this scheme, completes a quiz after each book and is given the next book level by their teacher, then their vocabulary and text comprehension should increase and they will be exposed to a wider range of text genres, so should find books that they love. 
  • If you have children's books at home, please check to see if they are on the Accelerated Reader book scheme, before reading them. Also to complete a quiz at home click on the link below: 
  • To find your book level, please follow the instructions: Click on Link - Student (username first letter of first name, then first 4 letters of surname, password is ABC) - Accelerated Reader - Bookshelf (top right of screen) - click on their most recent book that scored 80% or higher - scroll below the photo of the book cover and look at 'Level'
  • We also have a Word Millionaire's wall: once children read 100,000 words they are added to the wall, if they reach a million, they become a word millionaire! 
  • In Sycamore, we have our own Bookflix challenge, where reading 10 books, gives 10 minutes of Golden time and they share their recommendations and become a 'user' on our Bookflix display! 