Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools

Spring Half Term 1

We worked well in teams during our scavenger hunt in Forest School.

A firefighter came in and told us all about fire safety. We learnt about the fire triangle (the three things that cause a fire: fuel, oxygen, heat) and how to protect ourselves from a fire (keep doors closed, do not charge devices on soft surfaces or while we sleep, have a fire action plan, have adults check smoke alarms weekly). One of us even dressed like a firefighter!

In English, we have written persuasive letters, discussion texts, held debates and have begun to explore Greek mythology. We wrote a letter to persuade our teacher to give us our chairs back!

We have been learning about vector drawings and created our own! We also spent an afternoon exploring internet safety (during Safer Internet Day).

Our new science topic is 'Properties and Changes to Materials'. We have been scientists and have conducted lots of experiments to explore the properties of materials, including: hardness, permeability, magnetism, transparency, flexibility and thermal conductivity. We have made predictions, conducted fair tests and have made conclusions.

We have explored states of matter and have acted as different particle arrangements.

As a class, we shared how we enjoyed watching 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse' at Christmas time so we looked at a similar story called 'Big Panda and Tiny Dragon'. This helped us to find joy in the little things, to appreciate those around us and what we have. We then made the dragon from the story out of painted egg boxes and foam!

6/2/23 - 10/2/23 Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies Week. During this week, we did a range of activities (some led by visitors) to help us to understand our emotions and to support our mental wellbeing, including: Taekwondo, breathing techniques, yoga, art, emotional literacy activities and singing.
