Upton Noble

C of E VC Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and Ditcheat Primary Schools

Autumn Half Term 1

Our Christian value for this half term is‘respect’. We talked about what respect means and how it is linked to our Book Week text ‘Bottled’. We also discussed how respect is shown in the Bible, particularly in the parable of Naomi and Ruth. We also created collages about bottling up feelings.

We hosted a Macmillan Coffee morning and provided all the cakes, cookies, biscuits, brownies, flapjacks and cupcakes! Thank you to all of the wonderful parents and carers who provided baked goods and thank you for all of the support from the local community. We raised £226 for a brilliant charity and couldn't have done it without you!

Our PSHE topic for this half term is exercise. We tested our balance and coordination by completing a yoga alphabet!

In PE, we explored football and orienteering. In football, we dribbled, tackled and defended. In orienteering, we used maps and compass directions to follow and create our own routes. We even found clues around the school to spell out a word!

In Maths, we have been exploring place value (the position of digits in a number e.g. ones, tens, hundreds), addition and subtraction. We used Base 10, counters, place value charts, bar models and part-whole models, to help us to really understand the value of digits within a number.

We created paper chains that counted forwards and backwards in powers of ten.

We are recapping how to break words down into their phonemes (sounds) to help with spelling words. Our spellings now focus on a weekly sound (phoneme), which we practise in school and at home.

We created number lines then jumped across them to round from the nearest 10 and even to the nearest million!

We have been learning about Earth and Space, and illustrated and constructed paper orreries (moving models of our solar system).

We used maps and compasses in Geography.
